A romantic comedy released in 2005 by Meg Cabot, the novel follows the travel diary and e-mail exchanges of cartoonist Jane Harris as she embarks on her first-ever trip to Europe with her best friend Holly... who is eloping in Italy with Mark, the love of her life... who's apparently best friends with the annoyingly egocentric modelizer Cal Langdon. It's hate at first sight, so what happens when they have to share a villa with one another in the beautiful and picturesque Marches countryside with an avid German Wondercat fan and his equally German grandmother?
It's an incredibly entertaining, light-hearted, easy, and quirky read for the classic boy-meets-girl love story. There is enough fluff to keep girls giggling to theirselves and enough reality to keep everyone grounded (doesn't the wide-eyed innocence and constant dramatic complaining sound relatable?).
This is an absolute choice to keep you enjoyed through an entire weekend when you just want to stay home, curled up on the bed or couch, while there is some music in the background. The pacing in the story is not that fast or slow but just right to keep you busy and thinking about what probably happens next and about what makes each character go about the way they do.
Cabot might have become famous for her Princess Diaries, but she definitely hasn't lost her touch with young adult world yet! Come and check out this book at the library today.
It's an incredibly entertaining, light-hearted, easy, and quirky read for the classic boy-meets-girl love story. There is enough fluff to keep girls giggling to theirselves and enough reality to keep everyone grounded (doesn't the wide-eyed innocence and constant dramatic complaining sound relatable?).
This is an absolute choice to keep you enjoyed through an entire weekend when you just want to stay home, curled up on the bed or couch, while there is some music in the background. The pacing in the story is not that fast or slow but just right to keep you busy and thinking about what probably happens next and about what makes each character go about the way they do.
Cabot might have become famous for her Princess Diaries, but she definitely hasn't lost her touch with young adult world yet! Come and check out this book at the library today.