Jenny Nimmo is a British author of children's books including many fantasy and adventure novels, chapter books, and picture books. Born 15 January 1944 in England, she has lived in Wales for most of forty years. She was an only child, her parents' unica hija, and her father was a scientist who died when she was only five. On the following year, Jenny was sent to a prep school.
It was cold, dark, and rather terrifying so she was moved to a more child-friendly boarding school when she was nine. A voracious reader as a child, this led to her writing her very own stories to share with friends.
After working for a time in theatre while being a student and a summer job in Italy as a governess to three boys, Nimmo worked for several years with the BBC, joining them firstly as a photographic researcher.
After working for a time in theatre while being a student and a summer job in Italy as a governess to three boys, Nimmo worked for several years with the BBC, joining them firstly as a photographic researcher.
She then became an assistant floor manager who worked mainly on the news and finally, became a director slash editor for a children's programme. Part of that entire stint was spent adapting other writers' stories for television including 40 episodes (eight "stories"). Her first book called The Bronze Trumpeter began life as a television script.
It was published in January 1975, a few weeks before her daughter to husband, Welsh artist and illustrator David Wynn Milward, was born. In 1983, Jenny began writing again since when her children were still small, she could only produce short books every other year. Her time management got better eventually and was convinced that reading to her kids made her a better author.
It was published in January 1975, a few weeks before her daughter to husband, Welsh artist and illustrator David Wynn Milward, was born. In 1983, Jenny began writing again since when her children were still small, she could only produce short books every other year. Her time management got better eventually and was convinced that reading to her kids made her a better author.
Now that Jenny's children have all left home, she has been devoting all her time to writing. She has produced a Charlie Bone book every year since 2002. Her best-known work may be Children of the Red King, also known as the Charlie Bone series, in which the eponymous protagonist's magical talent embroils him in the sinister intrigues of his new school.
As of 2006, Charlie Bone titles had been published in nine foreign-language editions and translations into eleven other languages were in progress. The Grade School LRC Library has the complete 8 books of her Charlie Bone series. You may ask the librarians or staff present in case you can't find them! :)
Jenny currently lives in Wales, sharing her time between writing and helping her husband with a summer art school.