Saturday, October 20, 2012

DLA Las Piñas HS LRC acquires 11 Clive Cussler books!

In case you've been living under a rock all your life and therefore, do not know who Clive Cussler is...

Clive Cussler is a bestselling American adventure novelist. He is the author of more than 50 books!

The following list are eleven of his many fiction books that the High School LRC has recently acquired (sometime during June to September this year):

From the Dirk Pitt Adventures:

Treasure of Khan (C963tk 2006)

From The NUMA* Files series:

Fire Ice (C963fi 2002)
Polar Shift (C963po 2005)
The Navigator (C963na 2007)
Medusa (C963me 2009)

From The Oregon Files series:

Dark Watch (C963dw 2005)
Skeleton Coast (C963sc 2006)
Plague Ship (C963pl 2008)
Corsair (C963co 2009)

From The Isaac Bell Adventures:

The Spy (C963sp 2010)

* Cussler is the founder and chairman of the real-life National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA), which has discovered more than sixty shipwreck sites and numerous other notable sunken underwater wreckages.

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